Can you undertake training courses if you are in Australia on a visa?

Australia is a multicultural nation that attracts talents from all over the world. Australia’s unique natural beauty exerts great fascination on tourists; its renowned livable environment is a dream to anyone who adores a peaceful living space; its diverse society excites everyone who values equal opportunity, etc. There are so many reasons why Australia is attractive to people and its forward-moving spirit prompts many people to look for ways to improve themselves. So what are your options if you want to undertake a training course if you are in Australia on a visa?

First of all, you need to check the website of the Department of Home Affairs to see if you can study in Australia. For example, if you are on a visitor visa (subclass 600), you can only study in Australia for up to three months. Of course, you need to be able to finish your course before your visa expires. The website of the Department of Home Affairs lists “What this visa lets you do” for each visa subclass so you can refer to the website to check your study rights. In addition, you can use the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) to check your study rights. This tool gives you details about your visa that is currently in effect.

Second, if you are on a student visa (subclass 500), you can only study at an organisation that has CRICOS registration. To search for organisations that have CRICOS registration, please visit HERE. Notice that this requirement only applies if you are currently on a student visa. If, for example, you have finished a degree in Australia and you just got your Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485), then you can take courses with any institution.

Third, if you are intending to get an occupational licence (e.g. security licence), you had better check the licencing body’s requirements. For instance, in NSW, you cannot apply for a security licence if you are on a student visa or working holiday visa.

We hope this post helps if you are intending to study in Australia on a visa. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions about this issue.

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